How VR is set to revolutionise Formula One broadcasting
We recently talked about how far broadcast technology has come in just the past fifteen years or so, and how it’s made life easier to stay connected – especially in the past few months of 2020. In many ways, that shift is happening even faster within the world of sports broadcasting, especially in the high-octane world of Formula One.
Much like with almost all other sports, the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic initially threw the Formula One schedule into disarray, but the races are now back on – albeit with some stipulations. The crowds are by far the most noticeable, and it’s not quite the same without the clamour and roar of appreciation from F1 supporters from track side.
But just as evolving broadcasting technology made it easier for the general public to stay connected during lockdown, there might already be an emerging tech that can help people to stay connected with Formula One, too – namely, Virtual Reality.
It’s already been in development for some years, but it’s now finally coming closer to becoming a reality for legions of F1 fans, and something we may end up helping to power ourselves with our power distros here at Rubber Box. So what will this technology evolve, and how will it change the world of competitive motorsport?
Formula One like you’ve never seen it before
You don’t necessarily need to be a diehard F1 fan – or even actually a sports fan – to understand the urge that everyone has to be right in the midst of the action. But sadly, very few people can become professional racing drivers – no matter how much many of us might want to. While traditional forms of sports broadcasting have gone some way to scratching that itch so far, Virtual Reality is set to enhance that experience even further – for example, through 360° viewing.
360° cameras offer a chance to experience the race like never before – namely, through the eyes of the competitors themselves. Well, not their literal eyes, per se. The 360° camera will probably be actually mounted on the car itself, recording all angles simultaneously. This allows you to control the view at home, taking a leisurely look around at the track, the surroundings, the crowd or even the car itself, all while the driver concentrates on the race. In other words, you can be taken for a ride in an actual Formula One car, without ever leaving the comfort of your home.
It’s easy to see the attraction in a setup like that, and while it’s so far only been used on test laps with single drivers, the time is coming one day soon where we could see it on the cars of multiple competitors during a full-scale race.
To quote Travis Cloyd, co-founder of Sports Tech Media, “This is the first time in history when sports technology gives us the edge not only in training, or observation but also in fan engagement.”
Our history with Formula One
Here at Rubber Box, we’ve got a long history of association with the sport, as we regularly supply our power distribution boxes and electrical distribution equipment to the teams for use during the height of the season. You can find out more about how our equipment is used at Formula One in our post about how we keep international motorsport on track.
Alternatively, if you’re looking for one of our power distros for your own use, look no further! We’ve got a great range of them available right here on our site, and can even offer bespoke power distros if necessary. If you need a bit of help or advice in working out what you’re after, don’t hesitate to let us know – you can give us a call on 01282 677 910. We’re here to help!